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Loops are common in the world of programming. They are commands that run until a certain set of conditions are met.

Do a specific action while a given condition is true

Or, for a given set of conditions, take specified actions

Finite loops end after a number of iterations while infinite loops are endless. 

Life is full of finite and infinite loops.

For age between 6 and 18 months, learn walking.

For age between 3 and 18 years, attend school.

Do a job, till you are financially stable.

Stay happy, all your life

However, unlike programming, the conditions of the real-life loops are hardly predefined. 

It is possible to enter a loop (phase of life) for an infinite term, even though you initially thought it’s for a fixed term.

It’s equally likely to move out of a phase quickly while the initial plan was to stay there for the long term.

The conscious decision to stay in or exit a real-life loop is always an important one.