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Software versioning is used to categorise the unique states of computer software as it gets developed and released. Android made its public debut in 2008 with version 1.0 with the latest one being version 10.

Engineering projects use ‘version control’ to keep a record of different versions of the same document. The initial draft, the one that was approved, the one that was changed to add more details, and so on.

The first generation ‘Toyota Corolla’ was introduced to the market in 1966, with the latest twelfth generation released in 2018. Each generation has different models that offer slightly different value than the others. 

Versions exist all around us. Just not in products and projects, but in our day to day life.

Different versions of a story. Different takes on history. Distinct strategies at work. Separate definitions of success. And various ways to live life. 

Unlike products, versions in real life aren’t always progressive. However, they offer something very unique. They offer variety and the ability to create a version of your own.