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“That’s how we’ve always done it.” or even better “That’s not how we do things around here.”

Two commonly used phrases that indicate a big reluctance to change. In companies, educational organisations, career choices, politics, ethnic traditions and religious beliefs.

In the busy day-to-day world, relying on a tried and tested approach is often the natural course of action. The change is even harder to justify when the current way is working just fine. “If it isn’t broke, don’t fix it.”

In taking a ‘no change’ approach, we easily overlook the fact that the world we currently live in hasn’t always been this way.

Just 20 years ago, there was no easy access to information, iPhone wasn’t launched, there was no Facebook, Netflix didn’t exist in the form we know it now and the best way for majority of the world to stay connected was through hand written letters.

Things change, and they can change pretty quickly. Doing things ‘the way you’ve always done it’ may just not be sufficient anymore.