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It doesn’t matter how long you spent at the gym. If the aim is to loose weight, you are better off measuring the calories burnt. The data will be even more meaningful if you also track the calories consumed.

You are busy because you are working long hours in office but how much of that time is actually productive?

You may be making a decent salary but if the goal is to build up savings, you need to really track the expenses.

We measure false metrics all the time. Mainly because they are easy to measure and make us feel good.

Marketing teams often fall into this trap. Measuring number of Facebook ‘Likes’, business cards collected at conferences and amount of leads passed onto the sales team. What about quality of leads and contribution to the actual bottom line?

When deciding upon the metrics, it is important to first define a ‘goal’ and then setup metrics around it. Metrics that align with the goal. Metrics that really matter.