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If you are in a queue at a local train station in Mumbai, you don’t have much control over your entry into the train. The flow of the crowd takes you along.

For the majority of people, life is no different. The journey is much longer, there are more stations, the destinations get a lot fancier, but you still follow the crowd.

From schools to higher degrees, to conventional career and lifestyles choices. You do it because that’s how everyone does it.

It’s not that there aren’t other options available, it’s just that it feels safer to be with the crowd. “They all can’t be wrong at the same time.”

Being unconventional is a conscious choice. It comes with uncertainties and vulnerabilities. You are fully accountable for every decision you take. That’s what makes it a less chosen path.

But a selective few who do choose to stand apart from the crowd, tend to explore new territories and change the world in their own way. And along the path reap the rewards of satisfaction, happiness, fame and even money.