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We all do it or have done it at some point in our lives.

School grades. Job titles. Salaries. House. Social media followers. The number of categories of comparison are infinite.

In fact, these comparisons are the biggest source of insecurity and unhappiness.

The entire exercise, however, is both flawed and worthless.

Flawed as it’s never a like for like comparison. You rarely take into account the difference in personalities, origins and circumstances. Neither do you ever know the other person’s behind the scene reality.

Worthless because it doesn’t lead to anywhere. Nothing changes.

Plus, in the moment of making that comparison, you unknowingly end up setting limits for yourself.

The only comparison that truly matters is the one with yourself. Your current version vs. your past version.

Are you satisfied with what you’ve achieved over the past years? Are you happier today than you were yesterday? And are you a better human being now than you were some time ago?

Such a comparison is constructive, gives you actionable insights and doesn’t limit your potential to achieve things that others haven’t.